Eschaton Shade

— Crowley —

• Hazbin Hotel RP •
Apocalypse!Alastor AU by ShowtimeDraws

The Price

— Rules & Regulation —

This AU was created by myself, @ShowtimeDraws, and is purely a fan-work. Alastor himself is Vivziepop's creation. (Just keep in mind that while Crowley is very TIED to Alastor, they are not 100% the same character anymore.)

I do NOT own Alastor whatsoever. This is completely for fun! But I do reserve my right of ownership over my original, canon-divergent and supplementary story elements associated to Crowley and my 'normal' Alastor. Please, just ask before using them in any way. ♥

  • All fan-art featured was drawn by myself unless otherwise stated. ( Art acct: @ShowtimeDraws )

  • 15+ years experience • Mun is 30+ years old.

  • Mun is VERY ADHD and VERY forgetful. Activity may be spotty. Threads will likely be dropped willy-nilly. I'm sorry in advance but please don't take this as "I don't want to interact with you."

  • Very Dark Themes ! There will be violence, gore, sexual themes, manipulation, abuse, and other trigger-heavy content on this TL. If these things make you uncomfortable, PLEASE do not follow, and feel free to mute and/or block. (See the "Disclaimers" tab in main navigation for full info!)

  • N/SFW. Not really a LEWD account, but contains enough violence/dark themes to probably lean toward NSFW.

  • Lewd is in DMs. If violence gets extremely graphic, it may be moved to DMs as well.

  • Highly Selective. If I can reply to everyone, I will. But I often don't have the time/energy. Please don't take it personally!!

  • Literate • Mirrored responses.

  • Multiship— at your own risk. Do not expect genuine romance for the most part. Crowley will flirt and manipulate like there's no tomorrow— don't believe everything he says or does. Chances are, he's preparing to use, abuse and break your muse if he engages with them sexually or romantically. If you're looking for soft, fluffy romance rp, this is not the character for you. He CAN develop legitimate feelings ( of some sort ), but it's very rare and takes tons of time/development. I am open to discussion and plotting, but can guarantee nothing. If you want genuine, soft romance you will have to be VERY explicit about that with me in DMs and specifically request it. Though I cannot promise it.

MAIN SHIP/PARTNER: Velvet, @PsychoticDolly
She will be getting most of my attention ship-wise.
If you see me rping with only her at times, please don't be offended.

  • This muse is HIGHLY OP for a reason. The TL;DR is that he was 100% designed to be used as a final villain that could be a SERIOUS, apocalyptic-level threat even to the most powerful canon characters we know. I mostly have him on Twitter for shits and giggles and won't usually go looking for fights. But PLEASE DO NOT ENGAGE HIM IN COMBAT UNLESS YOU ARE PREPARED TO LOSE. I am open to discussion and compromise! I won't god-mode, but if you aren't talking to me ooc to discuss how the fight will go and/or willing to respect the character itself, I will likely drop the thread. Communication is a must and maintaining the integrity of my villain as a legitimate threat is important to me. Defeating him has to be EARNED through story so that it can mean something.

  • Due to the above, I will rarely be the one to reach out first for interaction with strangers. I never want to force this stupidly-op character on anyone else, so I only interact with people who specifically WANT to interact with him themselves.

  • If you want Crowley to target your muse as a villain, DM me with what you want and a reason why he'd care. I am OPEN to using him as a villain for others, but please don't leave the ball perpetually in my court to figure out motivations and what, exactly, he'll do. I don't know what KIND of antagonist or drama/conflict/angst that you want. I can't guarantee he'll always see a muse as someone to target and antagonize. Sometimes other people are literally just there and like flies to him. So please come to me with IDEAS of what you want to do. The worst thing I'll do is say no.


— About Crowley —

This is only the very tip of the iceberg and the BASICS of what you need to know to interact with him. I prefer most information be gathered through RP.

If you have specific questions about his character, you are free to DM me and I will probably be glad to answer. But by default, I won't be posting his more in-depth information publicly.

Who is Crowley?

Crowley is a highly canon-divergent Apocalypse AU of Hazbin Hotel's Alastor.

In Short —
Once upon a time, Crowley was simply Alastor. Yet at the end of his mortal life, he made a deal with a bizarre and unknowable horror from between dimensions in exchange for power in his afterlife. The deal was simple: give the entity a literal 'ride' out of its prison and into the physical realm as we know it, feed it, and, in exchange, Alastor would enjoy the benefits of its power. This led to the "Inconnue" (as he came to call it) taking root in his demonic form much like a parasite.

In the beginning, Alastor remained himself— this would-be companion being little more than an unseen passenger along for the ride. Yet as he continued to feed it the souls of mortals and Hellborne alike, it grew in power— but also in its control and influence over his mind and body.

Crowley as you see him now is the result of Alastor's mind finally breaking and the parasite taking full control. Though he still chooses to wear the Radio Demon's skin at first glance, Crowley himself is in essence a twisted facsimile of Alastor's former self.

What is Crowley?

Previously referred to as the "Inconnue" by Alastor himself, he is a cosmic horror from the void between realities and timelines. It is an entity beyond mortal comprehension, a devourer of souls, a destroyer of worlds— not bound by earthly, hellish or even heavenly rules.

It gains power via consuming souls and the essence of both life and the afterlife. Now, after years of being slowly fed by the Radio Demon's genocidal rampages, it has reached a peak in power that is beyond formidable even to the uppermost echelon of Hell and beyond. It either destroys worlds or it assimilates them to its wants— yes, going so far as corrupting, infecting and warping reality itself. (Gimme 'dat surreal, reality-bending horror.)

All that said, it has its own personality and tendencies. It is a predator in the purest sense and finds enjoyment in 'playing' with its food. Its true motivations and goals are nebulous at best— and it is known for visiting worlds even if only to spectate and observe.

Its powers include Alastor's own and much more. But for sake of mystery, we'll leave it at that for now. :)

Where is Crowley found?

For basic context, my default setting for him on the TL is this:

Crowley is currently a visitor in [reader's] world. This setting is one closely linked to his own, original timeline— but is set further in the past. As such, there is already another "true" Alastor of the setting (aka my OG Alastor over at @thegrinningstag) in the same setting. Folks who know my Alastor will likely see Crowley and be immensely confused for the fact he looks to be a near doppelganger save for minor differences in his appearance.

He resides in a swamp outside of Pentagram City— in a large albeit secluded manor. The swamp itself has become increasingly dangerous since his arrival— as if he has infected and warped the wilderness itself to his will. The creatures themselves are mutated and strange (even by Hellish standards!) and are violently aggressive to uninvited visitors.

NOTE: I am willing to do different settings with him! You'll just need to DM me and discuss the logistics prior to interaction! If we don't discuss otherwise, however, you can assume this is what I'm running with.


This is a completely OPTIONAL effect other muns can choose to run with if they WANT to.

Crowley functions much like a parasitic infection. He spreads his influence just about everywhere he goes and can "plant" seeds of his control in locations and/or people.

In people, this is not mind control but instead influence. He can either choose to plant the infection (usually by piercing skin with claws, teeth or shadow tendrils) or it is gained passively by simply being in his presence consistently over long periods of time.

People who view him as good and want or try to trust him are most vulnerable. The more receptive they are naturally to him, the more deeply and quickly the corruption will take effect. It is gradual, but exact time it takes to develop is entirely dependent on the character in question (based on their willingness as well as their overall natural willpower.) The changes are subtle, especially at first— beginning with slight changes in personality that magnify aggression, paranoia, fear, anger, and particularly in negative aspects of the person's character. Slowly they become more and more compliant with Crowley's requests and more forgiving of his behavior. Their view on reality is clouded, colored to match what he sees, and they become in essence loyal to him. Overall sanity, in general, can be heavily impacted as well.

Eventually, physical changes take place as well. They may be subtle or extreme. Often, black ichor spills from the eyes, nose or mouth, staining their skin. But they may take on other, monstrous qualities and twisted features depending on the individual (pretty much up to the mun's wants.)

Again, I emphasize that I will never enforce this mechanic. But it's here for those who want to play with it! Hit me up in DMs to discuss further logistics if you want to use this.


— Ships & Affiliations —

I will happily interact with duplicates of these characters. These are just some notable partners & dynamics. And, chances are, if they are a canon, this is the specific mun I will be referring to if I am talking about their muse in other threads.

*Please DM me if you want to become a main. - I will be selective and will require that we have plotted and/or rp'd a decent amount already.



Lover " Wife " ??? Partner in Crime

Other Ships.

Romantic and/or sexual relationships, toxic or otherwise.

DM me if you want to ship!


Play-thing Lover Pawn

Misc Canons.

Non-romantic, non-sexual.

Alastor [ Past ]

The Alastor Crowley once was.
Canon It my alt acct lol Enemy


Canon Divergent Charlie
Surrogate Daughter Disciple


Transferred Contract
Pawn Entertainment


Enemy Toy Game Piece

Velvet (2?)

Electric Boogaloo
Ally Idk she's like always there

* Different Verse than main ship (for her own safety)

Misc OCs.


Mother: @psychoticdolly
Offspring Daddy's little abomination


— Trigger-Warnings & More —

This character is a bonafide villain with a heavy horror-lean in his themes and comes with a pile of other nsfw-ish themes too. You will find very dark, sometimes disturbing topics/posts/etc on this TL. These themes could basically cover anything "dark" under the sun, whether it's actually happening in the thread or just being mentioned.

Preemptive Trigger Warnings

  • EXTREME emotional and psychological manipulation. This is one of Crow's primary themes and will include things like gas-lighting, flagrant dishonesty, very purposeful and malicious mind-games, flirting or flattery with the intent to abuse, and more.

  • Please remember that this man speaks in at least 40% lies at most times, 30% half-truths and only 10% truth. If you want to know what he's REALLY thinking vs what he's saying, you need to DM me ooc to clarify. The only exception is if you know him very well already and have aligned yourself with him— but even that's not a guarantee of his honesty.

  • Violence - Sometimes extreme— though I will try to move VERY explicit descriptions to DMs. No guarantee.

  • Gore - Sometimes extreme— though I will try to move VERY explicit descriptions to DMs. No guarantee.

  • Mutilation.

  • Murder.

  • Death.

  • Cannibalism.

  • Mental instability, talk of or demonstration of insanity.

  • Mentions of abuse, self-harm, suicide.

  • Mentions of any of the above in a flippant and jovial way (PURELY from the pov of the muse himself. Remember muse =/= mun!!!)

  • Light lewd / foreplay may appear on the TL. I will move anything that really crosses over the NSFW line into DMs, however. This said, anything that toes the line of nsfw on the TL will be text-only. I will try to avoid highly suggestive gifs/images in order to keep folks' TLs clean since I think it's harder to skim past images if y'all don't want to see it right then.

  • Mention of violence in a sexual context. * Purely consensual. (Rough sex, light/realistic vore, death in sex.)

Mun's limits

By default, these themes are OFF LIMITS.

  • Pedophilia in ANY context.

  • Same vein: I will NOT ship (romantic or purely sexual) with any characters that are currently minors in the canon verse. I don't care if you aged them up, I'm just not comfy with it (especially with how dark Crow's themes get.)

  • Non-con. Yes, the sex with this muse is violent/rough and sometimes may even result in death if (and ONLY if) the other mun requests to go that route. But it will be consensual if it happens in a scene. Dub-con may be fine with partners I already know well and trust, ooc discussion and explicit PLANNING ahead of time. (Though YOU will have to request it from ME. I will not suggest this to anyone first.) I don't want to toe this line.

  • Infidelity I have not been consulted on prior. Crowley is not above helping someone cheat— he doesn't care— but since I'm multiship, all ships take place in separate universes. Do NOT introduce the idea of "cheating" in RPs with me unless I have explicitly okay'd it OOCly first. (I may be receptive to doing it if all parties are explicitly on board, I just REQUIRE discussion.) NOTE: While Crow may help YOUR muse cheat in a separate verse, he will NOT cheat on his main ship (@psychoticdolly) under any circumstances. No other ships coexist with that ship, period.

A thought on dark themes

Obviously, I enjoy writing dark themes. I like exploring them. They're more interesting to me than pure fluff or "feel-good" rp 24/7. But please keep this in mind:

I am NOT aiming to romanticize or idealize abuse, manipulation or even violence.

I believe in addressing hard and disturbing themes that do happen IRL. I won't ever force anyone else to look at them, but I think there's something to be said for exploring these things in a safe, fictional context— as I often wonder if doing so gives us a better understanding of the more real issue.

It's all fine and good if we're all having fun in a purely fictional sense and enjoying it as a STORY and nothing else. But if I start to at any point get the sense that you are reading too far into things from an OOC perspective and idealizing or truly pardoning the terrible things this muse does because you think it is 'sexy' or 'romantic' or so on? I may cut off our interactions.

I want to explore these things, but I want to do it with as much respect as I can. Crowley is a terrible individual, cosmic-horror-thing. I'm glad people enjoy him, but I don't want to see people idealizing him as if he's seriously "good husband/boyfriend/whatever" material. You should NOT want this sort of man in your life whatsoever.

Enjoy him as a fictional concept by all means. Your MUSE can even romanticize him as if he's the greatest shit since sliced bread. That's fine! And I'm dandy with folks JOKING about it 'til the cows come home. I'm usually pretty good at telling the difference. I just don't want to see this be a thing from the muns themselves in any serious capacity that may be harmful in an IRL context.

Questions or concerns? Feel free to hmu in DMs and I'll clarify as much as I can!